WASHINGTON: The awkward embrace between Bernie Sanders and the Democratic Party may be nearing a breaking point.
Leading Democrats are growing increasingly vocal in their concerns about the White House hopeful’s continued candidacy, and if he and his legions of enthusiastic supporters ultimately will unite behind Hillary Clinton in a general election against Donald Trump.
For his part, Sanders has sharpened his critique of the party. He says it would be “sad and tragic” if Democrats don’t stop relying on big money, and he is assailing Clinton for her dependence on wealthy donors. Clinton backers grumble that such comments can only help Republicans, belying Sanders’ claims that he’ll work tirelessly to ensure Trump doesn’t end up the president.
The tone on both sides is worsening after last weekend’s fracas at the Nevada Democratic Convention. Furious over rules they claimed favored Clinton, a group of Sanders supporters shouted obscenities, brandished chairs and threatened and harassed the party chairwoman. And after Democratic officials including Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada pressed Sanders to denounce the events, Sanders defiantly asserted that his supporters were treated unfairly.
The tenor of the Sanders’ statement disturbed Democratic leaders. They’re worried that as the primary process nears its end, Sanders may resist the graceful exit that Democrats expect of him and instead heed advisers and supporters pressing him to maintain the fight, perhaps all the way to the Democratic convention in Philadelphia in July.
“Everything our families care about is at stake here,” said Democratic Sen. Barbara Boxer of California, who said she feared for her safety after being booed and shouted down at the Nevada convention.
Boxer said in an interview that she spoke with Sanders this week, and found her Vermont colleague very upset, insisting “my people wouldn’t do this.”
“I just told him, ‘Bernie, you need to take control of this,’ ” Boxer said.
Boxer and other influential Democrats cited Clinton’s handling of her bitter loss to Barack Obama eight years ago as a model. Then, Clinton washed away a season of bad blood by conceding and throwing her support behind the eventual president.
Vice President Joe Biden gently chastised Sanders, saying he should be more aggressive in speaking out if his supporters behave as badly as they did in Nevada, but expressing confidence the party would unify. “I’m not worried. There’s no fundamental split in the Democratic Party,” he said in Ohio Wednesday.